Voip News
Maroc Telecom Bans Skype Maroc Telecom, the Moroccan telephone operator, has recently blocked access to several websites that offer free VoIP telephone service.
The blocking has affected the Skype service that most Moroccans? ? North White School Corporation Selected Morse Communications and Alcatel-Lucent for Technology Initiatives North White School Corporation has recently announced that Morse Communications had helped design and implement NWSC?s technology overhaul with fiber optic and copper wiring cabling infrastructure, data? ?
Voip Press releases
Senegal Route Available!!! Dear All,
We have Senegal as newly added destination.
Please contact for details via Email/IM to sales@netelsat.net
Web: http://netelsat.net ?
Popular Providers by creation press releases
? 20 February 2012 GL Communications has recently announced launching company?s product PPP and ML-PPP Packet Data Analyzer (PDA) software.
For VoIP calls this new software captures, segregates and collects statistics.
As the company stated in a press release, the new software offers graphical presentation of analysis such as ladder diagrams of protocols and can monitor QoS on voice and video calls. Moreover, its real-time nature makes the solution ?an outstanding tool for live monitoring of VoIP traffic.?
GL officials noted that Packet Data Analyzer (PDA) represents a real-time IP and VoIP analysis tool in MLPPP Analyzer able to non-intrusively capture and monitor live IP, VoIP, and IP based Video traffic. In addition, detailed call statistics can be monitored simultaneously.
User will be able to perform power, spectral, frequency, tone, digit and video analysis with ease and precision. Moreover, users can listen and record audio and video data of a session VoIP calls in real-time; ?they can get an exact picture of QOS and the technical adherence of the system under test. ? Back to All news ? All news of Developer Tools ? All news of Small Business ? All news of VoIP International A-Z ? All news of VoIP Software ? All news of VoIP Solutions for Providers ?

Source: http://www.voip-catalog.com/news_item4079.html
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